in his underwear in a couple of minutes and said I had lit it just right. Boy, Uncle Richie has got a smooth build with wide shoulders and big muscles and no pot belly like Dad.

I went into the bath room and watched Uncle Richie shave and brush his teeth and wash his face and he went and woke up Mr. Leathers while he sent me to see if the water was boiling yet, and it was. He asked me did I like fried eggs and I said yes, fried hard and he said how many; so he fried me two eggs hard just the way I like them and one for him and one for Uncle Jay and told me to pour the orange juice and put some bread in the toaster, so I did. Uncle Jay came in and said oh, my head; so I told him Mother always took salts in some warm water whenever she woke up with a headache, and he said that was all he needed. I was real glad I could help him.

After we finished breakfast Uncle Jay said was there anything in the house. I didn't know for sure what he meant, but I guess he meant something for his headache and Uncle Richie said yes, there was some ah-mineral water in the refrigerator; so Mr. Lea-, I mean Uncle Jay, poured some in a glass out of a funny shaped bottle in the refrigerator and drank it. Uncle Richie said we would wait and take Jay to work and then go sightseeing since none of the places opened up before then anyway. I listened to the radio while Uncle Richie and Uncle Jay were getting dressed and Uncle Jay drank some more mineral water before he went to work. It looked just like plain water but it smelled like perfume, kind of.

After we let Uncle Jay off at the office Uncle Richie drove down to the Washington Monument and we walked all the way up but we took the elevator down because Uncle Richie said he didn't want me to


get too tired. And we went to the Lincoln Memorial and the Jefferson Memorial and the Capitol Building and the Smithsonian Institute and I don't know where all. I really liked the Smithsonian Institute because there was Lindbergh's plane he flew the Atlantic Ocean in like Uncle Richie told me about and a lot of old World War I planes like in some of the magazines I read sometimes: Spads and Fokkers and all, and they've still got the machine guns on them. We ate lunch uptown, and Uncle Richie said we would go out to see Arlington and Mount Vernon Sunday morning before my train left; and we went to the White House after dinner and went in but we didn't see the President. Then we went to the place where President Lincoln was shot, but it's a new building and a museum and not like it was when he got shot and the house across the street where he died and that is like it was.

We drove around the city some and is it ever big. We drove out through some kind of park, I think Uncle Richie said it was Rock Creek Park, right in town and he said they went on picnics there sometimes. I asked did he and Jay ever take girls with them on these picnics and he said sure, some of the girls from the office went with them and we'd better get back to the apartment if we were going to be in time to cook supper. We had to go by the grocery store and pick up some food. Hamburger and a can of peas and a loaf of bread and some soda water.

Uncle Richie wasn't such a good cook but I told him he was to make him feel good. He burned the hamburger and anybody can hear canned peas but it was better than eating at that restaurant. I asked Uncle Jay did he like the picnics Uncle Richie was telling me about with the girls from the office and all and he said something like girls beat